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There are some (look at the commits on the kernel from intel addresses) who actually get paid by their employers for such, but that is generally because their employers use that aspect of free software.īut since ardour is unlikely to attract the attention of IBM as a critical business need at which they will throw programmers, that means people who are passionate about it. People contribute to open source projects that … they are capable of contributing to and that they feel passionate about. Put enough developers on the case, and it’s no longer an either-or question, which brings us back to the original problem of getting more developers involved. This is what you have already with Lua script, what else does it need ? just a button and a couple of other things maybe. And those users that were got rid of for suggesting such features, well those features are now implemented and are actually being used by the users that knock their ideas and suggestion years back, true story !īut then I fell off the floor when I went to the RapidComposer beta development where just about every suggested feature was implemented virtually overnight, that was a real shock as you would wait up to 10 years for things to be implemented in the Biab forum. So that’s why it stayed in a time warp for so long. I spent the last 11 years hard labor in the pg music Biab forum and beta development getting them out of the Delphi 90’s and help develop the vst plugin version, I just don’t have that energy anymore to worry too much about Ardour when I first went to the Biab forum there was so much defensiveness from the long time users from the Disk Operating System days and any suggestion of improvements or change was given a hard time, you saw new users come and suggest improvements and constructive criticism but they were soon got rid of as you can tell by the reply’s to their post and their number of posts. It matters not to me if it’s implemented or not, I’m just giving you a fresh eye perspective from what I experienced coming from Reaper to have a look at Ardour’s scripting to see if I can port ReaTrak over from Reaper to give Ardour users the same features, I’m not charging anything for it, and it would be a hard thing for me to do, so it would be an easy way out for me if Ardour is kept how you suggest. This will open the door for other script developers like in the Reaper forum, rather than waiting for something to be implemented it would take the load of the Ardour developers and it can be made that same day with a script that you can make yourself or ask someone.


There is just so much potential there rather than plodding along with how it is, a lot of time and trouble has been put into all those Lua bindings and look how many users there are now because of a Windows release. Remember Winamp ? it was made for users to be able to customize things how they like and not be a slave to how the developer thought you should use it, well, the same guy made Reaper, and it “is pretty much maintained by 2 individuals”. The idea would bring NEW users to Ardour, if you compare the amount of of Reaper users to Ardour users. I think if is was assumed and taken for granted that "most Ardour users would live without it…I don’t feel like there’s a lot of us looking for this…) we would not have this thread. Looking at the posts I would say most are in favor to add some Lua GUI elements. The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago the second best time is now. And I think most Ardour users would agree. And honestly, if it gets in the way of the goals that Paul and Robin have already announced, I rather live without it. It’s just that at this point in the game, it would take a monumental re-working of the source code.

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