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The developed technology in the health industry might be misused by the public network and give chance to unauthorized access. Nowadays securing images is a big provocation to maintain confidentiality and integrity. The Blockchain network could be used in the healthcare to exchange user data among hospitals, diagnostic laboratories, and pharmaceutical enterprises. Healthcare information management has received an enormous deal of attention in recent times due to enormous potential for delivering more precise and cost-effective patient care. The results show that our technique produces little distortion while being safe and having great hiding capabilities. Data is twice encrypted using this method to boost data security. Since every block carrying the data satisfies the embeddability requirements both before and after concealing, the original picture is not required to retrieve the concealed data. The chosen block's central pixel serves as the carrier for data bits. The connectivity between the pixels in each division is also examined in order to determine whether a block is suitable for carrying data bits that account for distortion. Black and white pixel counts within each partition before and after embedding are used to identify potential blocks. A novel data hiding method for binary images is presented in this paper which uses Block-Diagonal Partition Pattern(BDPP).In this method, 3X3 pixels image blocks are partitioned diagonally. On the other hand, unreadable watermarks are necessary to verify the authenticity and originality of an image.The two most commonly used methods for this purpose are steganography and watermarking, both of which ensure the imperceptibility of hidden information.It is challenging for binary images to hide data and to keep changes unnoticeable. In some circumstances, it is necessary to communicate sensitive information about photographs in a covert manner. This covers banking, economic dealings, military communication, and imaging in the medical field. Many pieces of information are exchanged in the form of binary pictures across many domains as a result of the paradigm shift from paper to electronic. As such, the resultant robust system, is highly impeccable, utilises efficient compression, and has improved capacity which are all desirable features for securing medical health records. The technique was chosen because the level of distortion made to the image is low hence the image quality change is minimal. To ensure efficient and optimal steganography throughput, the Least significant bit (LSB) which involves the hiding of information in the most repetitive bits of each pixel of an image was implemented for steganography. In this way, the encryption essentials are securely exchanged before the actual transmission of the date. To resolve the problem of key distribution that plagues symmetric cryptosystems, the proposed system makes use of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm for key agreement. As compared to asymmetric key encryption, symmetric key encryption is faster as only one key is used for both encryption and decryption. The proposed system utilizes AES-128 which is a symmetric key encryption algorithm to scramble the data. In our privacy-preserving scheme for healthcare records, a hybrid approach is used to ensure the maximum multi-level security of medical records before transmission. Cryptography is communication in deciphering secret writings or ciphers. It seeks to hide the existence of communications. Steganography is hiding data into a carrier, for instance, images, videos, texts, and files. Steganography and cryptography are old concepts used to secure communications. It is for this reason that medical data should be secured before transmission. These records are in nature meant to be kept confidential. Healthcare diagnosis records are essential as they establish perpetual reports on the health of patients.

Outguess 0.2